Grossed out
By anne - 07/01/2016 12:00 - Germany

By anne - 07/01/2016 12:00 - Germany
By Anonymous - 13/12/2024 07:00 - United States - Los Angeles
By Anonymous - 13/10/2023 18:00
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada
By InvAzn - 14/12/2017 06:00
By woah - 04/05/2011 11:51 - United States
By blushingbride - 09/02/2014 21:59 - United States - Alpharetta
By Anonymous - 25/01/2011 00:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 27/03/2021 20:01
By Anonymous - 28/08/2022 12:00 - Egypt
By I like sex dirty but not THAT dirty! - 20/07/2024 11:00 - United States - Anaheim
Maybe instead of using a tampon you should have him take yours out and use pads instead. it might be easier for him to change since it's kinda like a diaper! I'm lucky my husband would help if it was necessary. I hope he grows a pair and helps you!
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Show it anywaySounds like OP burnt her hands after she inserted a tampon. If her husband really cared about her, he would take the tampon out and offer to put a pad in her underwear.
I was thinking that too, but OP specifically used the word "change" and not remove. Plus I don't know enough about her burns to make this judgement call. It's not hard to remove a tampon so unless her hands were bandaged.. If she needed help removing an existing tampon, yes, he could man up a bit for that because that can be very dangerous. But I'm not going to shame him and call him names for something he expressed disconfort in.
Burns ******* hurt, her hands are burnt, her hants hurt and she can't do shit by herself. For ****'s sake, it's not that complicated.
#14, when I remove my tampon I say I am changing it, even when I put on a pad.
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Show it anyway#50. Yes, but you weren't writing an FML for the whole world to read. I can only judge what I see and know. To me change means to remove and replace with a new one. If OP meant remove, she should have written remove.
Lmao, what a dolt. Since the point obviously didn't reach you, I'll just resort to downvoting.
Yeah but if there is bandaging around those 2 fingers then everything is going to get covered in blood and be nasty. That's part of the reason she needs help.
'You have no business wearing tampons' must be the quote of the year, I'm so glad I clicked to show the comment. Pet owners have to do disgusting things to their pets sometimes to keep them alive and healthy, just like sometimes marriages are about more than just a spouse's personal feelings of nausea.
#79, you have 10 fingers...
What if her thumbs are burnt? You need those to pinch. At any rate, I also agree with everyone; 'change' would mean to put in a new one, which you obviously can't do without removing the old one, and she would need help with both actions if her hands were burnt.
Make use of ALL your fingers! What's stopping her from pinching the string between any other two fingers?
Well I know from being a nurse with extensive experience in wound care and she could of very easily burned her fingers so she couldn't pinch the string. So I think that trumps your experience you ******* idiot. I love it when people talk out of their ass and are ******* clueless. Oh oh I had a burn and that wouldn't have happened or she would have had to burned her fingers off. Yep talking out of you ass. If you had a burn you should remember if it was at least 2nd degree the slightest pressure on it hurts so bad you can't stand it. Moran
My mother is also a nurse ******* and I'm trained in first aid. I'm not "talking out my ass," simply being logical and applying common sense. We don't even know where her burns are or how badly she was actually burned. For all you know she's just being a princess about almost nothing. Personally I would suck it up and remove my own damn tampon because the person I asked to help me declined (and rightfully so). It "hurts so bad"? Get it over with quickly then. After that just use some damn pads. If you're out, put some loo role in your panies and pop down to the shop and get more? If god forbid your bandages (which we don't even know she has) get dirty, ******* change them. I'm not going to apologize for being someone that just sucks things up and gets on with it because I don't always have or need people to take care of me. What if she didn't have anyone to ask? Then what? She would find a way wouldn't she? Jesus, what would all you whinge-pots be like in the face of a real emergency? I swear, I've slipped my L4 disk in my back which is now pressing against my sciatic nerve... It has been so painful in the past I have nearly passed out just standing up. I couldn't reach my asshole to wipe and my nurse mother offered to do it for me because "I do it all the time at work, and you're my daughter. Besides, I did for you when you were a baby" but I politely told her to **** off and managed to do it myself with much pain and frustration and tears. Why? Because I knew given enough time I could do it myself. Last time it kicked off, I don't think I would have been able to.. so I thank god my 5 kinds of pain medication made me so constipated I didn't shit for a week and a half. TL;DR: Shit happens. Suck it up. Find a solution and get on with it.
#153 somebody seems a bit angry at life.. politely told your mom to **** off? after she offered you help? I also had a pinched sciatic nerve, I understand the pain, so I do understand where you are coming from with that. but I also know even the tiniest of burns can hurt more so Stfu with YOUR ******* whining seeing as exactly like you said, we don't know the extent of her burns or where they are! CLEARLY if she had to ask that, THEY ARE ******* BAD.
Not gonna lie, I hardly comment on Fml but you are so ******* annoying I just had to. By the way, saying you have tattoos and piercings proves absolutely nothing. I have two tattoos, thigh and hip bone, multiple piercings, the most painful ones being lip, nose, tongue and industrial. Had a broken jaw from being in a car while it flipped, smashed the bones inside one of my feet, both of these required surgery. Yes also pinched the sciatic nerve. But ******* guess what? I think i'd rather have all that pain again than have burnt hands. I've never seen someone get so many downvotes ever before. Think it's time you realise clearly no-one agrees with you, and maybe think the same as me: you are a bitter bitch who thinks she's hardcore as **** but really you ain't shit. Go burn your hands then come back and report your tampon changing abilites, I'd love to hear another hardcore story of you crying through the pain.
You keep mentioning the severity of the burn but I know for a fact that I would have to have no other choice before asking someone to change my tampon. I highly doubt OP's hands were slightly burned. They were most likely very bad if she had to ask that. And I personally hate pads. They're annoying and not as effective. I wouldn't want to wear them. So if I had the option of continuing to wear tampons when I was injured, I would. And yeah it obviously isn't ideal to have to change someone's tampon for them, but sometimes you need to suck it up and get over it. This is a marriage. Not some random friendship. Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to, especially for someone that important.
The point of my tattoo and piercing story is that just because I willingly do things with needles doesn't mean I'm okay with all needles. As in the husband is okay with tongue in butt but not tampon insertion. if her burns are indeed that bad, why is she not in hospital? Why not ask a medical professional to remove the tampon? You hate pads? Too ******* bad! We all have to deal with things we don't like in life. I don't give two ***** if you think I'm a bitter and angry bitch, because I absolutely am and never claimed to be otherwise. I'd be more than extatic if god or whatever piece of shit runs things decided to strike me down this very moment. None of that changes my unpopular opinion on the situation.
And can I just.... Just because your married doesn't mean forcing yourself to do things you don't want to do. If it makes him feel sick it makes him feel sick. For all you know he vomits and passes out at the sight of blood or something. And even he doesn't, he is not obligated to to do something he doesn't want to, even if that's the only reason. that's like saying OP is obligated to stick her tongue in his ass when she's uncomfortable because he does it for her and you get over these things for someone important to you.
#173, YOU LOST, but thanks for playing. No one agrees with you, and you sound like a terrible, cold, and bitter person. Bye now.
We all have to deal with things? Like maybe helping out the person you committed to spending your life with through sickness and in health? You seem to be contradicting yourself....
Also, how the **** do you think she can change a pad if she can't even change her own tampons which we have all established only uses two fingers. Using a pad would you the same if not more area of her fingers. So what you suggest is she sit in a bathtub the entire week she's on her period? Really hope the burns don't last longer than a couple of months....
Severe burns are much worse then everything you are comparing them too. My husband had 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his right hand, and the first time we changed his bandages he passed out. Also you have to keep the bandages clean to keep an infection out, so changing her tampon, if she had severe burns, would be a bad idea. He was medicated for months while he was healing and needed plenty of help during that time, which as his wife, I helped him with. That is what you do when you get married, sometimes you have to do things you would not normally do to take care of your spouse, and if you can't do that, then you should never get married.
"If you can't do that you should never get married" Jesus ******* Christ are you serious? Do you people even hear yourselves? Apparently if I end up with a ****** and period having person I shouldn't marry them unless I'm willing to insert a tampon if they burn their hands. I'll put that in my vows. "In sickness unless you need a tampon inserted, and in health"
Ok your mom is a nurse, and? She went to school for it not you. If you want to throw the medical opinions around, go back to school, graduate, pass your state boards, and get the alphabet behind your name until then you're just running your mouth with an uneducated opinion. Your personal experience with a burn or you helping at work with a burn doesn't cut it. If you were a nurse you would know that. I have a torn, herniated L5S1 that requires surgery next month , why the **** we are throwing that around is beyond me. You were just being a ****, bad mouthing and commenting about this woman for no good reason. And yes I used the c word. I'm done with this conversation, maybe the reason you didn't go to nursing school is because you knew you wouldn't make it. I had people like you start classes with me, 33 students started, 5 graduated.
Personally im ok with it but if you start waving a used tampon in front of my face then we're not cool.
i cant believe it but im gonna have to kinkshame you and your husband, anne
The downvotes lmao
I can't believe it, but I'm gonna have to comment-shame you for your retarded comment, #18
Just dont use the tampon. What will go wrong
bloody knickers for starters...
If she can't remove one that's already in, toxic shock syndrome.
Changing a pad can sometimes be more hand movement than putting in a tampon, especially if it's a tampon with an applicator. Her hands must be badly burnt to have to even resort to asking for help in the first place, the hell makes you so sure she can change a pad by herself?
Some people like shit more than blood I guess
Why not wear a pad....sounds too i don't know easy?? Or wear adult diapers and a skirt. Sounds gross and weird but for sleeping it's also great.
Because she inserted the tampon before she burnt her hands, I think.
maybe he'll at least do a pad instead of a tampon? get him some gloves if he's really squeamish
Too much information OP but good to know your needs are met
There is no such thing as too much info on FML. The more info, the better!
perhaps Instead have him go pick you up some pads for the time being until you can insert your own tampons?
That sucks. If he can stick his dick in there, he should be able to put a tampon in there