Grossed out

By anne - 07/01/2016 12:00 - Germany

Today, I recently burned both my hands at work so I had to ask my husband for help changing my tampon, but he refused saying it would make him feel sick. This from the man who routinely sticks his tongue in my asshole when we have sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 228
You deserved it 4 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments


perhaps Instead have him go pick you up some pads for the time being until you can insert your own tampons?

That sucks. If he can stick his dick in there, he should be able to put a tampon in there


I have no words. This is bad on so many fronts

FYL, OP :( Judging by some of these comments, I would say we have a lot of 13 y.o. boys on this site who have no idea what true love actually entails - it's not all sweetness and romance!!

As a woman, I would also find that sickening. Go with pads.

That's. *******. Gross. Can. You. Not.

When I was going through partial paralysis due to MS, my boyfriend helped me with changing my pad among other bathroom task. It meant a lot to me that he stuck around. We are now happily married.

How burned are we talking, here? I mean, if you had two little blisters or something I frankly don't blame him. If your entire hand is one giant, boiled welt then **** him.

I'm the Only one who thinks if OP can write this post then she surely can insert her tampon too.

I was thinking the same thing! glad I was not the only one