Grossed out

By stinky - 12/12/2011 04:46 - United States

Today, my coworker friend told me she was going to the restroom. Soon after, I did the same. Once in the stall, I could smell a stench emanating from the next one. I yelled, "Ew, you stinky bitch" and sprayed air freshener under the partition. As I left the stall, my friend walked into the restroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 049
You deserved it 46 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh no! Hope they don't know you/recognize your voice.

tsim_fml 0

why would you call her a stinky bitch, i mean come on.


FYLDeep 25

A someone who has worked at McDonald's and cleaned the restrooms, I'm going to have to say that the women's restroom is always worse than the men's.

I worked at a fast food restaurant for 5 years and the guys bathroom was ALWAYS worse. Always smellier and dirtier.

FYLDeep 25

I can't believe that. The men's room only had one stall, and most of the time it didn't even look used. The women's had two or three stalls and they would be nasty. You'd get shit spatters in the toilet and blood on the wall, floor, and toilet. Not to mention that they usually had paper towels crumpled up along the floor. I never got that cleaning the men's room.

I've worked at a restaurant and the women's restroom was like a dirty warzone

MizzErikaHart 8

Wal mart bathrooms in honolulu is absolutely toxic

#6 and #7 since you apparently lack the ability to understand this FML I'll explain, she thought her friend was in the stall beside her....on a side note: Sucks for you OP hopefully they didn't recognize your voice...fyl

marisadc79 0

Thank God I'm not the only one who got that

Number 6 probably meant why would you call anyone a stinky bitch, because even saying this to a friend is rude. And number 10 said it was slightly confusing, which doesn't mean they didn't get it. I agree that the wording was a little awkward, but I completely understood it. How would you like it if you made a bathroom smell really bad (entirely not your fault) and someone made fun of you for it in such a crass way? OP needs to learn manners.

Never mentioned 10.......the wording was off a bit, but easily understandable, side note: if you have a good friend then joking around with them is a given, don't tell me you have never joked on your friend for blowing up the bathroom

theDOGgoesIDGAF 0

But she didn't say "good friend whom I also work with" she said "a coworker friend" which makes that a 'friend in the work place only'....her wording is so crapy it's hard to know though lol

Need to look and know shoes at work!

tnt227 4

Lmao I can only imagine the expression on her face after randomly being called a stinky bitch and sprayed at

Is your coworker in this story also your friend? I'm confused. You sprayed air freshener on your coworker, then your friend walked in and it was still all stinky from someone else?

No she thought she was messing with her friend, but it turned out to be someone else.

rukikiki 0
amanda_smith54 4

That is too funny!!! Haha your lucky that stinky bitch didn't come out and beat your ass!