Happy Caturday!

By cat lady - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Norway - Egersund

Today, I learned that while other people drunk call their exes, I drunk adopt cats. Seven cats, to be exact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 061
You deserved it 11 805

Top comments

lenalee96 22

Everyone needs a little pussy in their life

Sierra7211 17


I really want to know if I'll do crazy stuff like that if I get drunk.

May oneday u can establish an cat shelter .

Drunk you is predicting your future I believe

How on earth do you drunk adopt a cat? Don't you have to sign paperwork for pet adoptions?

I'm assuming there was no shelter involved, rather a friend's new litter of kittens and OP drunkenly declaring she'll take all of them.

Op's pick up line. "Here kiddy, kiddy,(hic), kiddy!"