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Happy Caturday!

By cat lady - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Norway - Egersund

Today, I learned that while other people drunk call their exes, I drunk adopt cats. Seven cats, to be exact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 068
You deserved it 11 826

Top comments

lenalee96 22

Everyone needs a little pussy in their life

Sierra7211 17


lenalee96 22

Everyone needs a little pussy in their life

I defiantly agree. Double thumbs up if I could

It's definitely, not defiantly. Two COMPLETELY different meanings.

blazerman_fml 17

#3 Agreed!but seems like OP got too much pussy to handle :O

iLike2Teabag 27

There's no such thing as too much pussy.

@13 If you were trying to spell 'definately' or 'definatly' or whatever, those words do not exist

Definitely means absolutely Defiantly means going directly against and authority's instructions. And you apparently didn't know this.

You're not lion, she's got a lot of pussy. It's better than her getting drunk and being a cheetah.

You need to find some people to make into exes before its too late

I think that's better than a lot of things I've done drunk XD but that still sucks. FYL.

Sierra7211 17

If you get an opurrtunity to use cat puns use them cause they leave people feline good. sorry in advance..

i'm horrible at puns. i guess the cat's got my tongue.

This is not an FML. This is a MLA, My Life's Awesome!! Cats are the best.