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Happy International Workers' Day!

By engineerdude91 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I realized the benefits at Burger King are better than at my company. I'm an engineer, have three degrees, speak three languages fluently, and work at a multi-billion dollar company. The guy flipping burgers has better health care and more corporate 401k contributions than I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 783
You deserved it 4 361

Same thing different taste

Top comments

birds_fml 7

Are you stupid? The guy at BK brings home MAYBE 17k a year. I worked full time at Walgreens, and yeah, that's my yearly gross income. I actually got a paycheck of about $1000 a month. Full time. You make, what, 50k at least? That guy at BK would have to have 30k worth of benefits to even equal what you get. Get over yourself, OP. You worked hard to get where you are, and believe it or not, you're fairly compensated. If it's so bad being in your job, then why not get a job at BK? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Maybe you should apply for a job at Burger King then.


Maybe you should apply for a job at Burger King then.

iSitt 0

and he can be fired in an instant. oh wait, so can you. FYL

No, OP is most likely whining for nothing and gets payed ten times the amount of a burger king employee. Am I right OP or am I right?

iGrenade 0

lmao an electrical engineer makes 80,000 median and thats at mediocer places

I have a coworker doing just that. We get paid a whole lot at my work but he wants the family health insurance and wants to retire early so he's working the two jobs.

nah he can't I already tried they aren't hiring at the moment but I still got one of Thier crowns KING OF THE CASTLE

Salary = gross yearly + bonuses + 401k benifit - cost for insurance. When people are looking for a job offer, they don't look at all their compensation. My buddy makes a bit more than me when it comes to gross income, but I have better bonuses and pay less for insurance. While he takes home a bigger check, he has to give it all right back for insurance and other benifits. Consulting jobs are bad about this. They give a big fat check, but the don't give any benifits, so you have to pay insurance unsubsidized.

Yeah, I was going to say, when I've worked in fast food I've been restricted to 39.5 hours/week so I wouldn't qualify for benefits. If you're an engineer be thankful you *have* a job. I'm graduating soon with a degree in engineering and I only know of ONE person (aside from the software engineers) who's managed to get a job so far: a lot of people I know are in grad school right now desperately trying to delay when they have to pay their student loans and hoping the silver tsunami hits when they graduate again.

Insurance is expensive. i have family members who pay $400-$500 a month on health insurance. My job covers that for me.

you're retarded, you're girlfriends a fatty and you probs got a baby penis.

@115 Oh god, my eyes! it's burning! Such stupidity! No, seriously, get the **** out.

You didn't mention the pay difference. I hope you're making more than the typical Burger King employee. If not, it's your fault for taking the job.

so, he goes to college, gets 3 degrees, makes something of his life, can speak 3 languages, and they dont deserve to get the benefits of all that work because apparently thats 'narcissistic'? to realize and be offended by someone whose job is meaningless gets better benefits? thats narcissistic?

I'm going to guess you didn't go to college...

#92 has a point in that the people who didnt get the breaks, didnt have the money to get the needed education and are now stuck living paycheck to paycheck on the bare minimum, likely with families to feed while this guy probably making 6 figures cushions his ass in some nice house or appartment and then starts whining when the guy living paycheck to paycheck is given some decent health insurance. @OP: You're paid a higher salary, therefore, less benefits. difficult math there mister engineer

dudeitsdanny 9

Thats a hell of a BK, because my girlfriend works there and sometimes doesn't even get a break. No benefits and stuff, and she was just made a manager. Time to look for a better job? Flipping burgers in three languages? Of course if two of your degrees are art and English, and the languages are Elvish and Esperanto, and you're a garbage disposal engineer... Well, your life is ****** for wanting more glory and benefits.

paid2think 0
nomudkips 4

Hey now, garbage disposals are sophisticated pieces of machinery!


if she's a manager that's her fault for becoming one...managers work 10 hours a day and don't get a break....where the employees work over 4 hours get a break work over 7 hours and get 2 breaks work over 11 it's the managers choice to give a 3rd one.... so it's her own fault for taking the manager job.

how about speaking Vulcan, Klingon and English? that's 3 languages. also if any Trekkies come in then you can have a conversation with them and take their order...

MrFancy 0

Your girlfreind was probably doing it wrong. You gotta ask to have it your way, like the guy in this FML did.

knibbsy 4

I guess you'll have to find a few mistresses from your company to even out the benefits. YDI for not sleeping around.

iSitt 0

sigh, damned if you do, damned if you don't

rawr_dani 0

see? like in that way, there is so much injustice in America.

birds_fml 7

Are you stupid? The guy at BK brings home MAYBE 17k a year. I worked full time at Walgreens, and yeah, that's my yearly gross income. I actually got a paycheck of about $1000 a month. Full time. You make, what, 50k at least? That guy at BK would have to have 30k worth of benefits to even equal what you get. Get over yourself, OP. You worked hard to get where you are, and believe it or not, you're fairly compensated. If it's so bad being in your job, then why not get a job at BK? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Yes! Took the words right out of my mouth!

FFML_314 11

Get a 4th degree and learn a new language.

Schizomaniac 24

I have a 4th degree... 4th degree blackbelt that is. That is the lamest ******* thing I have ever said.

FFML_314 11

Everything you say is lame. BAM!

Schizomaniac 24

That is actually the third time someone has said something like

dudeitsdanny 9

Six. We're skipping 5, because you're not worthy of 5

Schizomaniac 24

Pen, even our discussions about Richard Dawkins are lame?! Daniel, shut up. Come back when you stop dishonoring your family.

FFML_314 11

Can we make it 6? I just really have to tell you how lame you are again, Eli.

Schizomaniac 24

Well, actually, if we're talking about lame, then it would be 4. The other two referred to everything I say as "shit." You can thank Ignorance and Precious for those.

FFML_314 11

Well, I had no idea what they were referring to, because it wasn't specified.

How many times has it been referred to you as lame shit? Can I be number one? Although, I quite liked to black belt joke.

Ah, shit. My typos were lame. Still no editing on the app, dears? You're pulling back my curtain!

Ooh! OOH! I want in! Ok, here goes. FFML, your comments are totally lame. Ha! What?

This is why you should never work hard/go to college. It just won't work.