Harsh critics

By Anonymous - 25/06/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, I lost half my friends and was kicked out of my Star Wars club, all because I said that The Acolyte is unwatchable trash. Apparently that makes me "an alt-right Trump-humper." Whatever that means. FML
I agree, your life sucks 433
You deserved it 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I disagree with you on The Acolyte, but that's not the important thing. The important ones is you may be rejected by one person, or a small group of persons you kno for a crazy motive or a political over interpretation. But if "half" of your friends, people who are close to you and know how you think and talk, reject you because they understood you took alt-right stances on this show, it's either you have to drastically improve when you express yourself, or you indeed used alt rights "argument" and you are now playing the victim card.

after seeing both sides of the political coin put their opinions in the comments I've decided that YDI for having been in a star wars club.


I disagree with you on The Acolyte, but that's not the important thing. The important ones is you may be rejected by one person, or a small group of persons you kno for a crazy motive or a political over interpretation. But if "half" of your friends, people who are close to you and know how you think and talk, reject you because they understood you took alt-right stances on this show, it's either you have to drastically improve when you express yourself, or you indeed used alt rights "argument" and you are now playing the victim card.

I blame Disney for politicizing and destroying a well-loved universe, not the former fans who noticed. It doesn't make sense to label the latter "alt-right" unless you're on board with the radical politicization in the first place. It wasn't a Star Wars club you were booted from, OP, it was a leftist struggle session that only started out that way.

My brother in the Force: the Empire is inspired by nazi Germany and imperialist Japan since the original movie, the part on Andor in "Return of the jedi" is inspired by the Vietnam war with the Viet Cong presented as the good guys (Ewoks and Rebels on this world), and "Revenge of the Sith" is a metaphor for the use of Afghanistan and Iraq wars by Cheney's and Bush's government to strip away some liberties and voice from their opponents. Star Wars is left coded since it's very beginning, it's part of its DNA

That's an exceedingly good point. The counter is that we weren't compelled to view it that way; you could just enjoy it on its face without reflecting on, agreeing or even being aware of the intended underlying real-world metaphor. Yes, George was a lefty and it greatly informed his world-building, but he didn't require you to experience his world through that particular lens. Disney Star Wars is different, as evidenced by this very FML: if you aren't fully on board with the intended overt real-world message, you are separated by design from the remaining fandom that is. There's no subtlety, and intentionally no room for disagreement. You're not even allowed to disagree with the artistry or lack thereof without being called a bigot of some kind or other. That is nothing less than intentional radical politicization and it makes us all a little diminished as a people. It's one thing fewer that we could have had in common without regard to personal political beliefs, if any.

after seeing both sides of the political coin put their opinions in the comments I've decided that YDI for having been in a star wars club.

orlow36 2

no... it makes you a virgin

wrecklesswfire 3

Star Wars fans are probably some of the worst fans