By Kensie - 04/03/2009 21:48 - United States

Today, it is mine and my twin sister's birthday. We both wanted a day at the spa for our birthday. My sister got a gift certificate to the spa, while I got mouthwash and a $20 gift card to Target. My mom said it would cost too much to make me also pretty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 121 788
You deserved it 5 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What a douchey thing to do! If they couldn't afford it for both, they shouldn't have given it to one. I'm sorry, man.

:( that sucks! Way to go mom *rolls eyes*


Ahhh, parents! Can't live with them, not legal to kill them....

alwaysalady 0

All these people who call fake are obviously favorite children.

omg that is horribleeeeeeeeeee :O:O ur mum is sooooooo mean!! no offence but she doesnt deserve to have the gift of having twins if she is so ungrateful and mean and horrible!! happy birthday though!

Why do people keep saying this is fake? It might be, but it's very likely. And I'm speaking as the least favorite of four children. I'm the second oldest and I constantly have to clean up after EVERYBODY and get in trouble for my little siblings problems. And while all my siblings have gotten at least one birthday party with friends, the most I've gotten on one birthday is a $50 gift card to Barnes & Noble.

WOW.... and i get mad if my mom doesnt buy me the shoes i want for my b-day i'm sorry to say but ur mom is a little cheap o.O like wow...

marris 0

mouthwash -sounds like your mom did this to teach you a lesson for some dirty talk you've been doing lately

tyler1 0

your mom is a bit of a c*nt now isnt she?

ummmyeahhh 0

wow that sucks. i'm sorry, but happy birthday? my sister had triplets a few years back, and it's interesting to see the oldest girl get all the dad's attention and the youngest boy get all the mom's attention and i'm the only one who spends time with the middle boy. it sucks and i'm sorry this happens to you. give your mom the mouthwash for her birthday, but spend 19.99 of the giftcard and then give it back for her birthday. =]

feathagirl 0

either shes saying it wauld take to long to make you pretty or shes saying that your the prettier one, take your pick but that was still a bad move on moms part

resonatesbliss 0