Health and wellbeing

By fuck - 21/08/2015 18:22 - United States - Somerville

Today, I scolded my son at a buffet after he pointed at an obese woman in a motorized wheelchair and asked how anyone could let themselves get so unhealthy. As I lectured him on genetics and thyroid problems, she rolled past with a plate stacked with an obscene amount of fried food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 054
You deserved it 6 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IAmzephyr 22

well, most obesity issues are the result of an unhealthy lifestyle


dirtbikeguy 14

A good time to teach your son why fried foods are best enjoyed in moderation.

There are both individual and environmental factors which make up the issue of obesity. The best thing to teach your child is to not judge and eat healthy himself. :)

I like how everyone is thumbing down the comments about unhealthy lifestyles causing obesity. I work in a hospital and everyone needs to face the fact that unhealthy lifestyles and not taking care of themselves is exactly why a majority of them are overweight and obese. Thyroid and other medical problems/genetic issues are rarely the cause, albiet they are sometimes though.

Yea but it's not just genetics, it's psychological issues and things like family environment. There may be a child who has no say in the processed food they eat, who has never been taught any healthy habits or how to cook, and end up as an obese 18 year old... It's going to be very hard to suddenly change the only lifestyle they've known.

But that doesn't mean you can treat them as scum. If someone is happy with their weight shut the **** up and leave them to live their own life.

Yeah except they do bother others. They take handicap spots from people who ACTUALLY need it, like veterans who had their legs blown off or people with cancer, they take wheelchairs from the elderly and the physically handicapped, and they suck massive amounts from people in health bills. You pay the price for THEIR mistakes pal.

So sports players who provide absolutely no benefit to society besides entertainment can have hundreds of thousands of medical bills for needless injuries and its ok, but the fat scientist that makes modern life better for everyone is a drain on society because he has some medical bills? Maybe we should change our priorities a little.

JustinJK 21

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#29 There are 4,000 professional footballers in England and Wales. About a quarter of men and women in the UK are obese, coming out to nearly 16 million people. that means, for professional footballers to take up the same amount of money that obese people do, they'd have to spend 4,000 dollars in care to every dollar that an obese person does in health care, and that simply does not happen.

But you ignore the millions of non professional and highschool level players that also get injured.

#91 yes, I am ignoring them because the non-pro player is doing it in a lot of ways just to stay in shape. Yes, there are those in the non-pro ranks who are trying to become pro, but if you're including high school players, then you're getting into the territory of people doing it to stay in shape and to have fun. You might as well change your complaint to say something like: everyone complains about obese people being a cost to society, but no one ever talks about the injuries that non-obese people get while doing normal daily activities. Which really starts to sound like a silly argument. Of course people get injured sometimes during daily activities. However, the injuries you might get while staying in shape are still less than the medical costs of obese people, and probably less than the taxes you pay. Yes, there is the occasional torn ACL, which in the states costs $20,000 out of pocket, of course that's inflated. That's really the only sports surgery that costs more than the cost that the individual pays in taxes. However, obesity comes with a ton of medical complications, much more than the cost of sports injuries. And most sports injuries are just the negative consequence of keeping in shape, which is a huge positive. I think everyone could agree that those are doable expenses. There is no pluses to obesity, and it is draining on health care. Yes, the obese scientist you mentioned might have a net plus, but the average obese person is not a scientist. Moreover, the obese scientist would have an even bigger plus if he were to lose some weight and lessen his strain on society.

There are way safer ways of staying fit and healthy.

Sounds like the fat broad needs a 'I'm Not Handicapped- I'm Just Lazy' T-Shirt...

I mean, that is a good way to look at it, but maybe you should focus on teaching him that some thoughts are better left unsaid.

I just teach my kids that pointing at people is rude, it doesn't really matter to me why they are pointing. .. I'm sorry but you kinda deserve it (even though I do understand your thinking) because you imply that if the person is "responsable" for his/her condition it is okay to point.

I'm sorry but the fat woman deserves it. I know change is hard, but at some point you need to take control of your life. If you require a freaking wheelchair to go to the buffet table, you need to learn to take some control. And if you can't take it on your own, then seek help for gods sake. You are taking resources from those who need them (I can't tell you how many times I see fat people in power scooters at work while the 90 year old who can barely walk has to, or the person with a physical deformity has to sit on the bench and wait for the fatty to be done). And honestly, the fatties who need the wheelchair to get around are the ones who should ditch them, as walking would do them some good. Same with making them park at the far end of the parking lot. I saw a fat person at school take a handicap spot right at the door, while my vet friend who has shrapnel in his leg had to park at the far end of the parking lot and trudge through the snow and ice. If you want to be fat, fine. But if you cant walk under your own power and require a handicap spot, then you owe it to the people who need those resources to change, as odds are, you probably can fix it easily. And yes, I know some people literally can't help it, as they have an actual medical reason for being overweight, and they literally can not help it. But those are not the people I am complaining about. Nor am I even complaining about your average overweight person. Rather, I am talking about the fat people who are fat because they refuse to change their lifestyle. Like the woman here who can't walk under her own weight, but she used her powerscooter to go get more fatty fried food.

An actual "physical deformity." Just offensive that you're implying people who *look fine* couldn't possibly have a medical issue that'd make them want to use the scooter.

do tell. what deformity are you thinking if that isnt a physical one that would require scooter help? you offered, can you name some?

Well there could be something like nerve damage, there could be mental issues that prevent them from walking correctly, there are many explanations for why someone might need a wheelchair, being fat because you eat too much shouldn't be one.

@62: severe fibromyalgia, people with lung and heart problems who physically cannot handle as much as everyone else, people with spinal problems. there's plenty of invisible illnesses; be careful of judging who can/can't be "disabled" even without the issue of obesity in the mix.

My uncle is overweight, but that's because half of his body was partially/mostly paralyzed in a wreck, along with other medical issues, so he has to use a wheelchair or scooter to get around. He can walk short distances, but it's hard to walk more than that. The point is, it can be impossible to tell if someone is actually handicapped and has trouble with weight or just obese.

My Ehlers-Danlos is considered a physical deformity. The only reason you would know I have a problem is if something was out of place right at that moment.

1. Your son seems like a smart (if not slightly impolite) kid, be proud! 2. Isn't it reasonable that people going to a buffet will eat a lot? 3. You definitely didn't deserve it. It's possible to indulge without being disgusting.

your first point is fine... second point: sure, but when youre a thousand pound behemouth shoveling down fried chicken wings and lard filled bullshit in a motorized scooter simply because your knees would crumble under the weight, its just plain irresponsible, and it makes your third point untrue because it IS disgusting.

thats their business, and i keep my judgements of that kind to myself, but i will definitely let my kid know the differences.

It could be both. But you did well. The most important lesson here is the one about "minding your own business."