Hell no

By Notyourstepmom - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met my boyfriend's mother for the first time. She greeted us holding a baby, and I told her how cute her son was. She told me that it was her grandson. Turns out my boyfriend is the father. We're 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 062
You deserved it 4 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Thats messed up. Thats an idiot as a BF. And I can not believe that such an idiot never showed any signs of his idiocy to you. YDI for never realizing that he is such a fail.

lol what a ******* loser. Dump that deadbeat in training. And this is the first FML I've moderated that ended up appearing.

WTF? He's a loser and a deadbeat because he made a mistake and had a kid... and has the audacity to keep it? Your life isn't ******. If you haven't been dating long, then why would he tell you? Maybe he didn't know how to yet, and decided that was a good way to. My boyfriend was a father at 16. So ******* what? Get over it. People ****. People end up pregnant. At least he's in the kid's life and taking care of it. If you can't deal with him and are too pathetic, dump him. At least he'll know what a ******* bitch you are.

Well he is pretty immature if he didn't grow some balls and consider that he should let his girlfriend know that he had a baby. And I don't think you could call any 16-year-old girl a '******* bitch' for not wanting to involve themselves with some guy with a kid. Yeah people make mistakes, but this kind of 'mistake' does result in some poor baby being born to a kid who hasn't even completed their education to get a good job and provide for them. Another side-effect of this is that the guy will have to factor this baby into any relationship he ever goes into. So yeah, he got a girl pregnant, he might lose out on this girl who doesn't deserve to be dragged into his situation.

_electricbonbon 0

Why are you so butthurt? Why is the OP a ******* bitch? Because the boyfriend didn't tell her he had a kid? I'm pretty sure most people would be mad, also. Don't take it so personally. Damn.

Dude, I think you missed the part where the MOTHER was taking care of the baby - not the boyfriend. So stop acting like this guy is some saint for seeing his OWN baby occasionally. Besides, how in the world could you call a sixteen-year-old girl "pathetic" or a "******* bitch" for not wanting to get involved in SOMEONE ELSE'S ******-up lifestyle? She shouldn't have to be responsible for some other woman's baby just because she made a mistake and dated this guy. She's ******* 16 - definitely not old enough to be a mother. And while the boy she's dating definitely isn't old enough to be a father, I guess it's his own shit luck for having sex and getting someone pregnant before he was capable of caring for the child himself. So I'm sorry you decided to get yourself involved with someone who had a child at 16 - but you don't have to take out all your anger and bitterness at the situation on other people, kk?

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

Just because you decided to get involved with a dude that had a kid at a young age doesn't mean she should. 411, we are all different and making our own choices carefully which we reflect later on in life. Stop being such a judgmental bitch. not everyones perfect. I agree with the others though, I hope she makes the right choice. As in whatever SHE feels is right, not this bitch over here calling her a "******* bitch" for who knows why.

CaroAurelia 12

#111, not getting involved in this argument as a whole, but I'd just like to point out that the post says the boyfriend's mum was HOLDING the baby. Nowhere did it indicate that she was the one raising it. If I were raising every baby I've ever held, I'd be an adoptive mother of at least fifteen children, all before my twentieth birthday.

I do think that it is good that he is in his son's life and he is taking responsibility for his actions. It is very rare that a teenage father actually acknowledges that he is indeed the father. What I do think is awful is the fact that he didn't tell you, but maybe he didn't tell you because he was scared of how you would react...and really you kind of just proved his logic. I'm not really sure how this is an FML because it seems that this is a new relationship and if it is then it's not like he was unfaithful to you. Therefore it isn't really bad for you, for him yes, but not for you.

no, she says that her boyfriend have a son and he is 16, hes very young plus he didn´t tell her

You are exponentially awesome for quoting that show.

Twin_Uzis 0

It should be worded better. Kinda sounds like incest the way you put it.

Cool! You got to meet Sarah Palin! Is she as hot-looking in person as she looks on TV? And irritating-sounding?

CheshireHalli 19

Congrats on another funny one

Sigh. This FML would be funny as hell, if it was real. Im gonna call fake on this cuz it goes almost word for word on a movie that was on yesterday night, Dance On. Yep, sorry. Funny though. Funny.