Hell no

By Notyourstepmom - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met my boyfriend's mother for the first time. She greeted us holding a baby, and I told her how cute her son was. She told me that it was her grandson. Turns out my boyfriend is the father. We're 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 062
You deserved it 4 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments


pancakes_n_syrup 0

I can't believe how stupid some of you commenters are..let me help clear it up for you: 1. The OP's boyfriend has a son with ANOTHER GIRL. NOT the op! 2. It is NOT his brother/sister/whatever..it is his SON and his mom's GRANDSON 3. It's an FYL because she has been dating a guy and he never told her he had a kid. Gosh..I can't believe the stupidity of some people

pancakes_n_syrup 0

Sorry I meant to say "FML" not "FYL"

Vacant 7

Ah but, you shouldn't come here to find intelligence. It's just a pit of stupid mistakes and angst, no light at the end of the tunnel.

singer101 0

dude this sucks so so much im so so sorry for you break up with the buttface

Darienisbeast1 0
ky_stone22 0

Hahaha well that sounds a bit more like a FHL than an FYL to me (if he didn't want the kid, that is), but there's definitely a FYL because he didn't tell you that he had a kid. Good luck with that!

I had a similar thing happen to me only I was older and we had been married for nearly a year before his ex asked for child support for their 3yr old son! I understand how this person feels. A baby should be an important part of his life, important enough to tell her! He should have told her from the beginning. Its a betrayal of sorts not being told-I know in my position It wouldnt have bothered me, I would have supported him and his child but because we had been in a relationship for 2 years before I found out I decided he was a lowlife for abandoning his child for another women (me) and I divorced his ass!

Miso_Soupu 0

Good for you! Hope you found/will find someone who deserves you.

I did!! Thanks:) (he has no kids LOL)

xThatRandomGirlx 0

Kudos to you. There aren't a lot who would consider the child in this kind of situation.

v1kt4r 13

Maybe mummy was kidding n non of them rmbrd to clear that up, therez hope...

Wow...you're so young and have so many things to experience in life. Get out of this mess now. At least you found out before it was too late.

It must suck pretty hard.... I mean, you had a baby and didnt even know! wait.... He has a baby and its not yours? OH GEE I WONDER WHAT HAPPENED THAR

ImAKlutz15 0

at least you know he makes cute babies :)