Hell no

By Notyourstepmom - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met my boyfriend's mother for the first time. She greeted us holding a baby, and I told her how cute her son was. She told me that it was her grandson. Turns out my boyfriend is the father. We're 16. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 062
You deserved it 4 559

Same thing different taste

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Chicostick 0

Kid at 16? Yeah that's a bit of a turn off there ain't it? The whole "mistakes happen" bullshit is old and tired. There's so many different forms of birth control now that accidental pregnancies only happen when both the people involved were idiots. And if it was some "drunken accident," that's an even better sign of a real winner. Dump him. So what if he's "involved in his kids life." He shouldn't even have a kid. And if by "involved" you mean making his parents carry the burden.

The person who said maybe he has other siblings, didn't mean the child is a sibling. The person meant, the child could be his brother/sister's.

ViKAx3 0

To me, it sounds a bit fake. But... I mean, you never know. and so what if you're sixteen? If Secret Life can do it, why not? (:

ya that mom was warning that somethign like that might happen to u

hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha are u sure ur not the mother???

KayleeFrye 39

If the kid belonged to a 16 year old girl, everyone would be calling her "****" and "*****." When the baby belongs to a 16 year old boy, all everyone talks about is how "at least he's part of the child's life." Double standard, where? How come it's socially acceptable for guys to have sex at any age they want to, but a woman is labeled as a *****? OP-Dump the guy, he should have told you, and you should enjoy being young. He has responsibilities, and is going to have to become an adult at a young age. It doesn't mean you should, too.

ziqi92 0

sounds like the story of etipus rex (or however u spell it)

mylifeisfedddddd 0

maybe ur bf has another older brother or sister?

it doesnt really shock me. my sister had her first kid when she was 16 and my friend just had a baby girl like a few months ago and she only 14 its not that big of a deal.

It's a sad world when that's considered 'not that big of a deal'.

omg i hate ppl who hate on ppl having kids young and being single i am a single 19 with a 2 and half old get over it at least he in that kids life right