
By Anonymous - 28/02/2011 18:29 - United Kingdom

Today, after disappearing for an unusually long period of time, my boss called the store phone while sitting on the toilet. Turns out she'd started bleeding uncontrollably from the arse, and as the only other female staff member, she needed me to go help her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 066
You deserved it 3 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AntoshaChekhonte 6

Um, I hope you went to help. I'm no fan of blood, asses, or bosses, but it's really some human decency. **** your life and all, but **** her life even more. How humiliated do you think she was that she had to call you for help?

CaptainPickles72 18

I would've asked for a raise first.


Anal beads obviously started the bleeding might wanna tell her she needs to stop or she might grow a penis and start flying. :o

Yes but you have to understand the basics of grammer to be literate, am I correct? even though I disagree with beibs comment, because it was probably a typo, but I would have to say you need the basics of a language to be literate. please don't comment on my spelling...yes I know I suck at spelling :P

Hey, don't bitch about literacy when you can't even spell grammar. OK?

but seriously.. how is she supposed to help? other than calling 911 for her, which she could have done herself, WHICH would have saved quite a bit of embarassment for everyone. no?

I understand it would be uncomfortable for OP but imagine her boss? although that wouldn't want to make ME help her...I would call some help haha

you are such a jerk to ask for sympathy for something that happened to HER, I hope someday you are in the same situation.

roydawgg 3

call 911 you selfish asshole

reminds me of The Office(in a way). o.o