
By Anonymous - 28/02/2011 18:29 - United Kingdom

Today, after disappearing for an unusually long period of time, my boss called the store phone while sitting on the toilet. Turns out she'd started bleeding uncontrollably from the arse, and as the only other female staff member, she needed me to go help her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 066
You deserved it 3 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AntoshaChekhonte 6

Um, I hope you went to help. I'm no fan of blood, asses, or bosses, but it's really some human decency. **** your life and all, but **** her life even more. How humiliated do you think she was that she had to call you for help?

CaptainPickles72 18

I would've asked for a raise first.


RedPillSucks 31

Help her? You can't put a tourniquet on it, can't put a bandaid on it, can't do any kind of compression. Other than dialing 911, how could you help? She was able to dial you on the phone, so she should have called 911 herself. But by all means, do the humanitarian thing and "help" her as best you can, for moral support. I await your bosses FML.

perdix 29

I guess you tried to be a brown-nose, but ended up as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

KayleeFrye 39

Normally I hate cheesy and/or crude jokes like that, but that one was just funny!

Haha. Too funny too funny. I too laughed :)

I suppose she could help by bringing some sanitary pads etc, to get her to a doctor. I'm a woman and I'd prefer another woman to help me in that kind of horrible situation if I needed it. Side note, the bleeding sounds serious, a friend of mine has renal cancer which started this way, I hope it's not the same for the OPs boss.

KVKdragon 26

I'm sorry your friend has renal cancer. hope she heals :(

The poor woman! FHL, not yours. Your experience is hardly comparable to hers.

FYLDeep 25

Should ended the phone-call yelling "Blow it out your ass!" and hung up.

lol I think this is a reference to something . . .

No one else is concerned that OP is the only other female staff member?

If men and women are equal then it doesn't mean there has to be more than 2 women... It shouldn't matter if there was only one. Unless you're talking about something else such as sexual harassment, but still. Bet there would be no raised eye brows at "The only other male"

There are several jobs that are male oriented- military, law enforcement, fire fighting, coaching, STEM. in fact in a past job where I worked with disturbed youth- I was routinely the only female on shift. Sometimes it happens, and honestly, since a lot of those kids were a lot bigger than me- so I was glad for the help!

Medical situations trump employer/employee boundaries. She was bleeding uncontrollably and needed help. That you posted an FML about this means it's time for you to grow the hell up.

That doesn't mean she is immature for posting it on FML. Perhaps it is time you loosen up.

It's not a matter of needing to "loosen up". This FML just isn't funny.

Since when is there a rule it has to be funny? I've seen plenty of depressing and/or sad ones. Op had to deal with a shitty situation. I'd be saying **** My Life too. Then I'd get video while calling for professional medical attentions

cryssycakesx3 22

you'd video that? that's horrible.

"My Anus Is Bleeding!" Who else saw that video? Just me? Okay.

Oh my god! I knew this FML reminded me of something. Thank you!