
By Anonymous - 28/02/2011 18:29 - United Kingdom

Today, after disappearing for an unusually long period of time, my boss called the store phone while sitting on the toilet. Turns out she'd started bleeding uncontrollably from the arse, and as the only other female staff member, she needed me to go help her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 066
You deserved it 3 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AntoshaChekhonte 6

Um, I hope you went to help. I'm no fan of blood, asses, or bosses, but it's really some human decency. **** your life and all, but **** her life even more. How humiliated do you think she was that she had to call you for help?

CaptainPickles72 18

I would've asked for a raise first.


FYL if you think it is a bummer to help a bleeding person.

gotta hate it when you get that uncontrollable urge to bleed profusely from your butt!

how do you figure your life sucks. she was the bleeder. show a little compassion you giant douche

i don't think your the one who should be complaining