
By LGFLIPSTER - 31/08/2009 03:32 - Canada

Today, I was strolling past an old women when from behind me she called, "Can you help me get the rest of the groceries out of the car?" I approached the car, and helped her unload bags. She began hitting me, screaming, "SOMEONE IS STEALING MY THINGS". She was actually asking her son in the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 724
You deserved it 6 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Darling_Cherry 5

Hilarious. That'll teach you to make yourself useful!

You sound like a sweet guy. I love sweet innocent guys... mmmmmm....


I_iz_epic 0

At least you tried to be helpful.

Fuz_fml 0

hey, classic example of why i think senior citizens might as well be euthanized

still_lovedrunk 0

aww.. that's y ppl need 2 learn 2 say names if they're talkin abt som1 they no

StealthStorm67 0

Can you not type like an Autistic child please? I mean I know its the internet but thats barely even legible.

i hate ppl who always complain abt others writin and grammer STOP COMPLAINING #58

StealthStorm67 0

wtf? I hate grammar nazis too, but when yuuu tYp3 LiIk DiS, it gets old really fast.

There is a difference between flawed writing / grammar and pure absurdity. Please, for the sake of us all take a basic writing class or at least get a browser that supports spell check.

#62 it never gets old So StOp CoMpLaiNiNg #63 ThErE Is No DiFfeReNcE So U 2 StOp

leahlovesya121 0

Wowwwww. Just learn how to spell, okay? And it gets REALLY annoying when you TyPe LiKe ThIs...

mo_the_owl 0

once again 22jrdn shows us all the result of today's education system..


no need to insult autistic childlen to make your point

mina_8 0

58. It's very annoying, yes, but the fact that people think it's cool to typ lyke dis doesn't have anything to do with autism.

StealthStorm67 0

I'm sorry. I wasn't aware of the ammount of Spokes-people for Autism in here. Also I'm sorry for saying "retarded". And Also for cursing, as it may have appauled people who take serious offense to what others have to say on the internet.

My AUTISTIC CHILD types perfectly Thank you very much.

YDI for stalking old women from behind LOL :)

YDI for stalking old women from behind LOL :)

anonymousabcd 0

I agree.. people who type like that is REALLY annoying. It takes way more time than just typing normally. I don't get it. Please stop. And that seriously sucks.. thanks for being a good citizen though. ;]

anonymousabcd 0

Haha calm the hack down. I never said i hated them. I said they're annoying. So get over it.

the hell made you think that a stranger would be talking to you? always confirm someone is talki g to you before you do anything.