
By LGFLIPSTER - 31/08/2009 03:32 - Canada

Today, I was strolling past an old women when from behind me she called, "Can you help me get the rest of the groceries out of the car?" I approached the car, and helped her unload bags. She began hitting me, screaming, "SOMEONE IS STEALING MY THINGS". She was actually asking her son in the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 724
You deserved it 6 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Darling_Cherry 5

Hilarious. That'll teach you to make yourself useful!

You sound like a sweet guy. I love sweet innocent guys... mmmmmm....



that's why you ignore people like me.

iTroller 0
Maggums18 0

I'm surprised you didn't say anything, not even "excuse me ma'am?" or "sure thing." Was she looking at you? Or facing away and you assumed she meant you anyway?