
By LGFLIPSTER - 31/08/2009 03:32 - Canada

Today, I was strolling past an old women when from behind me she called, "Can you help me get the rest of the groceries out of the car?" I approached the car, and helped her unload bags. She began hitting me, screaming, "SOMEONE IS STEALING MY THINGS". She was actually asking her son in the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 724
You deserved it 6 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Darling_Cherry 5

Hilarious. That'll teach you to make yourself useful!

You sound like a sweet guy. I love sweet innocent guys... mmmmmm....


Lol at least you meant to do a good deed ;P.

Were there multiple "women" or just one "woman" asking for help?

He said 'an' old women.. Yes, he fails at spelling.

Lay off the guy, he was just trying to help, maybe he didn't see the son & there was no one else close by? People make mistakes, including every single one of you that clicked YDI.

i wish there was a YDI button! sadly there isn't so you FAIL!!

YDI for having ears. -_- the orchids' torturer has spoken.

ydi for trying to impress an old lady. if you help one, be ready to suck their dick

the_stereotype 0

sucks for you that her son is pretty much an ass. i mean, if he'd come and help, that might have made the situation different

Her son probably didn't have time to get out of the car. You have no proof that he was an ass.

Wow, what a crazy bitch. She must be off her meds.

He was just trying to help an old lady. Sheesh, when did that become a crime?

Maybe you could have asked her if she was talking to you. Instead of going up and un-loading her things. But it was nice of you to help her! ;)