Here, have a Turner Prize

By RunningMurphy - 15/05/2009 07:20 - United States

Today, at work, some little girl went in the bathroom for quite a while. Came out for two minutes and went back in. She then came out with her finger clutched in a paper towel. One of the other coworkers went in to check the bathroom. The little girl wrote "Hi!" with her own poop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 615
You deserved it 2 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sessee 4

Aw, how sweet, she watches 2 girls 1 cup.

Nothing says love like messages wrote with your own feces.


Sooz_fml 0

How dear, children are just disgusting...

how did this one make it all the way up here!

I2OI3 0

That's awesome! That's modern art at it's best - take a photo and sell that for some serious dough!!

and that ruins your life because? if you were the worker who had to go check the bathroom, then yea

did you ever think he could be the one that cleaned it up?

so_me_fml 0

Oh my dear sweet Jesus. Dee-sgusting.

thats gross .. but i dont see how its fyl . more like f her parents lives .

alexgisforme3 0

thats absolutely horrible. ******* kids ugh.

elara15 0
aero_fml 0