Here, have a Turner Prize
By RunningMurphy - 15/05/2009 07:20 - United States
By RunningMurphy - 15/05/2009 07:20 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/04/2021 00:30
By Username - 17/03/2011 04:04
By thisreallyhappened - 15/05/2009 02:39 - United States
By Cultus - 05/06/2018 19:00
By Anonymous - 07/09/2021 08:01
By Anonymous - 08/07/2011 19:43 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/05/2019 02:00
By shyshy96679 - 20/06/2011 22:42 - United States
By Shelly - 07/06/2009 02:25 - United States
By sdasdflkjas - 30/05/2009 04:24 - United States
There was a kid in my local area who smeared his crap all over a public bathroom and made swastikas with it. He was 16.
1... just because theres faeces involved with something doesn't mean it's anything like 2girls1cup... "Is that dogshit on the ground? LOL 2DOGS1CUP!!!11!1"
Where do you work that there are small children around? Let me rephrase: where do you work that there are small children around that aren't under your direct supervision? In which case, why didn't someone check on her sooner??? YDI
Yuck, i've seen that b4... A chick wrote "shit" with her own shit, how cleaver...
i hate little kids.
Ew I just barfed in my mouth. That is so gross. But not really an FML unless its YOUR job to clean which case seriously FYL
Aw, how sweet, she watches 2 girls 1 cup.
Nothing says love like messages wrote with your own feces.