Hey good lookin'

By Creepster - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I almost crashed my car because I was checking out an Old Navy mannequin wearing a bra. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 640
You deserved it 51 495

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Let me save you the trouble -- they've got ugly nipples. And they are not as perky and clever as the ones in the commercial. It kinda ruins the mood when you're popping off her bra and she's going on and on about "The Gap sucks this" and "The Gap sucks that." You know -- sour grapes. And it's almost impossible to get it on when kids are walking by and saying, "Mommy, why does the man fixing the mannequin have no pants?" I thought the Old Navy mannequins were hot, but that was a big disappointment.

The real FML is that you were looking in the general direction of an Old Navy. (Sorry, I just really hate Old Navy)


speccolo420 0

Its an FML because he stooped low enough to check out a manneqin

you are the result of thousands of years of revolutionary breakthroughs and success... ******* act like it.

you are the result of 4 million years of evolutionary success. ******* act like it.