History rocks

By HistoryFreak - 01/02/2013 09:19 - France

Today, I told my parents that what I'd really like for my 21st birthday is the 1865 edition of the Memoirs of Saint-Simon in 22 volumes that I found online for $200, and have been wanting for months. They laughed and said, "Yeah, right. We'll get you an iPhone and perhaps you'll become normal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 795
You deserved it 9 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even parents have fallen into the so common desires of society nowadays... (wanting everything related to apple)

hopefully one day you will get it, and become that rich odd person your parents used to know


Actually, my iPhone has increased my intelligence considerably. I've used it to learn all sorts of things about history, philosophy, and economics. It's all about what you use it for.

shrdlu 28

To the OP: I wish there were more people like you in the world! Intellectual curiosity seems to be getting replaced by mindless masses who just want whatever possession is the latest trend. Could you persuade your parents to give you cash instead?

GoodLookingGeese 10

Don't be ungrateful. At least they care about u and you'll have a great phone!

To be honest iPhones are pieces of shit and the op isn't being ungrateful. op is just stating the books are something she would prefer

Epikouros 31

Send your parents a link to the "Think different" commercial by Apple. Wasn't that one from 1984? They'be come a long way since then, from rebels to a symbol of normality.

Michael_92 20

God I couldn't imagine reading on that tiny screen. I got my brother the iTouch and its still so small and hard to read and touch buttons. I would say get a tablet but I prefer a good old book whenever possible.

Sell the phone. Then use the money to buy the books.

I'm sorry they are going to give you a crappy phone in place of what you want. I personally know how you feel. Being a chef and all, I asked for a new Wusthof professional IKON chef knife (for college). I got a Gamestop gift card instead.

I suppose you're studying the origins of socialism?