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How did it come to this?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to say, "Put away your burrito," "That ruler is not a lightsaber," and, "Stop making dog noises" all in the same sentence at work. I teach Advanced Placement Calculus to high school seniors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 712
You deserved it 5 362

Top comments


how long do you think itll take for #1s comment to be removed

Hahahahha. Thts great. They must be really smart

kevsnev 7

Give them a break, it's senior year.

Way to F up there OP. People in this type of class SHOULD be creative... and you are trying to shove all of them into straight-jackets, destroy their creative being, and turn them into conformists! If they excel in the course, why do you care? Clearly the entire US public education system is a failure... what the hell is there to lose???

eminemchick 19

i think adults have done a really good job raising this generation

Sounds like one epic class OP. I probably wouldn't complain, sometimes these types of classes keep you sane, whether you're teaching or learning.

Damn_Hippster 11

So, your students lives are average, wrong websites OP, you want MLIA.

Laurenlou 24

37- I have a feeling you totally misread the FML. Plus creativity is NOT pretending a ruler is a lightsber. That

xDefendPopPunkx 14

Taking AP Calc in the fall, sounds like an awesome class. Burritos forever!

coffeygirl12 14

Theyr smart enough to act stupid(:

Ha ha ha you must be teaching a very...errr...umm... unique group of kids

That is a super gnarly class brrruuhhh

fadingfaith 4

Of course they are. That's why they got into college.

BelleElle_fml 5

Why be a stick in the mud OP? Our AP Calculus teacher calls it "Cowculus" and has the seniors color in a cow the first day.

lol sounds like something my calc teacher would have said to me..... too bad I failed the AP calc exam :/

xoconnie 8

get over it. thats what u signed up for when u chose to be a teacher!!! what did u expect. seriously dude... come on

Sometimes I feel bad for these teachers my math class was worse. Someone throw a snowball at my math teacher's door and we would scream to the top of our lungs when someone walked in. It was our senior year too we just didn't give a **** :D

Laurenlou 24

37- I have a feeling you miss read this FML! XD

37- actually it's not because 90%of my school has straight A's(it's a public school)

School on a Saturday? I call shenanigans.

No teacher deserves to be treated like that! And no on can expect it

Orcina1 3

Hahaha what do expect? Manners?

jake1632 9

I can almost imagine taking this post in a sexual way. Just read it again.

i know some sophmores in ap calculus, and i could definitely see them getting called out for using their rulers as light sabers.

Hey at least you don't have a dull class!

Hehe. Sounds like fun. Don't be such a kill-joy OP.

We do that too! Like it's a boring class so we need to entertain ourself xD but obviously your a boring teacher op..

atomicbaboon 0

my ap calc class now turns to sporcle to solve our boredom

Usually by senior year, your brain resembles something like scrambled eggs.

Marcella1016 31

lmao exactly sounds like a fun class

MichellinMan 20

But wait... I thought rulers were lightsabers! D;

Hmmm. The force is wrong with this one.

savagearmz 6

Lmao sounds lik my class... O wait

dani212 0

Sounds like my advanced algebra 2 class... We are on our way there :)

The OP is in Texas. This sounds like my class... Damnit...

claireelopezz 3
Lennes 12

177, is there any chance that class is taught by a Mr.Rainbird...?

itsallgoodintheh 0

Wow what are you talking about I'm really confused haha. Also that's silly.


From what I've seen in your comments on other FMLs, everything confuses you.

uffiewuffie 0

If you don't get it, then gtfo of FML.

itsallgoodintheh .. Y U NO NOT CONFUSED??

itsallgoodintheh 0

Why is that a Fyourlife? That sounds more like a MLIA type of thing.

I don't see what's wrong here... burritos, lightsabers, and dog noises? sounds like a fun class :)

Killerturtle 11

Exactly what I thought, that class sounds like a lot of fun!

Haha I wish that was my class.... We r dead silent

Lennes 12

It sounds like their lives are average.

Yeahh:) but at the same time they're SIENORS in an AP Calculus class. &&I know i didnt spell "calculus" right. ;)

bieberfreak18 0
kkbaby3 0

sounds fun, i wanna be in your class (;