How did it come to this?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to say, "Put away your burrito," "That ruler is not a lightsaber," and, "Stop making dog noises" all in the same sentence at work. I teach Advanced Placement Calculus to high school seniors. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 712
You deserved it 5 362

Top comments


You must be very proud of your students for showing that high a level of intelligence

I understand what you are going through. Calculus is the first math topic that really starts to utilize a lot of background mathematical information that they have been learning through high school. These children will have a hard time understanding the subtleties of calculus and doing well on their exam without really paying attention and listening to what you are teaching. FYL

Ydi for teaching seniors. Seniors are hopped up on Fuckitol, and dgaf. Shoulda taught the scared freshmeats.

AvikC818 8

Being a senior who has taken man AP Classes, AP students are prone to goof off. We get really stressed out so we spiral into hysterics.

akaulitz 3
JessicaHearts 3

Maybe you're just really boring.

PrestonG95 7