I just work here

By don't get paid enough for this - 11/07/2015 02:20 - United States - Youngstown

Today, while at my shitty, minimum wage job at McDonalds, a guy walked out of the bathroom. He said "Good luck in there." worriedly, then left. I don't know if it was his handiwork, but it looked like a shit grenade had detonated. It was even on the walls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 423
You deserved it 2 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ColonelCusswords 24

Better get some serious disinfectant. Not pussy ass bleach, I'm taking acid


This scenario was posted 2/3 days ago but not in McDonalds. So Booooo!

looks like your shitty, minimum wage job just got shittier

I work at a store in their Deli dept. thankfully, door greeters are the bathroom cleaners. I would hate to do their job.. Customers are especially disgusting at my work. Once I was unfortunately trapped in the stall doing my business while the same woman who'd projectile vomited all over the handicap stall multiple times in the same day came back, and puked her guts up, all over the stall and floor outside mine.. I'm a sympathy puker/gag-ER too

Eatting McDonalds = Explosive Diarrhea

I know what that's like. I've worked at Tim Hortons and people have done that to us. Some people are ignorant assholes.

I think that is a sign for you to quit that shitty job

tiredofwaiting 25

People are disgusting. You have to quit.