
By Anonymous - 25/04/2009 21:51 - United States

Today, while walking through the halls of my high school, my boyfriend and I shared a quick kiss. A young teacher walked by and told us to stop due to Personal Display of Affection rules at our school. She then looked at my boyfriend and told him he could do so much better. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 440
You deserved it 6 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

actonthat 0

I feel like you probably meant "Public Displays of Affection." (Though, I'm torn over whether or not it should be capitalized. Meh.)

That sucks, forget that teacher. Most of them don't know what the hell is going on anyway,


If I were the boyfriend, I would've told her to show some respect to my girlfriend. No one deserves that kind of treatment.

rocket9 0

shes a bitch and she wants u

PYLrulz 17

Personal, Public, who gives a crap. Ive heard many different things for different stuff (not just PDA, but others, it could be the school calls it that). That being said, should of bitchslapped the teacher.

1. It's public 2. #56 o_O WTF?! 3. lastly its a stupid rule in my opinion but the teacher was just enforcing the rules but she didn't have to be so bitchy with the comment I mean jeez wth?

iluvmycatz 0

Public Displays of Affection?

Ender_ 0

I hope you cried yourself to sleep that night. -_- FML's on here are getting lamer and lamer. This site used to be awesome and funny. Now it's all 12 year old kids crying about shit that shouldn't affect them.