
By Lauren - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, my husband declined a $100k/year job due to him thinking that a full-time job at one work place would be too "depressing." I'm a nurse and have to wipe other people's arses for a living, then come home to this lazy dick. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 089
You deserved it 8 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MCVelvet1497 3

And you married him because ...


dpricenator 1

take away his X-box and internet connection. All he'd doing is playing Call of duty and wanking to ****. In this economy, a guy turns down a 100k possition. Shit, i'll come live with you, work hard and make you scream twice a night.

nik100 0

so true!! thts 1 lazy ass husband u really should go and treat yourself also id totally do what he said

don't wipe his arse talk some sense into him!

I agree with #18, if he's seriously that idiotic he doesn't deserve you at all.

you have a high paying too, quit your job then say it was to "hard".

"I won't pay, I won't pay ya, no way Na-na Why don't you get a job" Say "no way", say "no way ya, no way Na-na Why don't you get a job?" :D

bree0924 1

Ew what a jerk. I feel ya, I'm a nurse aide so I do the same.

a_lenzmeier 11

"I'll take lazy losers for 200 please Alex" "you've selected a double jeopardy, Something you do when your marriage is one sided, and full of sadness." "What is divorce?"

SmittyJA24 26

Soon you will understand why divorce lawyers make so much money: it's worth every penny.