It hurts when I pee

By yomamma787 - 24/11/2009 17:11 - United States

Today, I was outside, peeing on a cactus. Then all of a sudden my dog jumped on my back, knocking me into the cactus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 896
You deserved it 54 454

Same thing different taste


xdrumkid101x 0

@#40, I have peed outside: I do it all the time. but why the hell would you piss on a damn prickly cactus of all things?

"Oh look a cactus i better piss on thhat"

luella_fml 0

why in the world were you peeing on a cactus. Don't you have any shame! >: )

cutiepie87 0
jaderocks 0

umm..... WHO THE **** TAKES PISSES OUTSIDE?? that's sick....

YDI for living in New Mexico and peeing on a cactus.

Lord_of_Metal 0