It's better than nothing, I suppose

By thatonekid - 06/05/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, my dad texted me, "I love u." I replied, "I love you too dad... are you drunk?" He answers back, "Of course I am..." My dad only tells me he loves me when he's drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 030
You deserved it 5 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shrtpixy 0

People usually tells the truth when intoxicated.......USUALLY! so don't take it hard.


perfectwinds 0

I've seen this FML before......

YoUr_ObSeSsIoN 0
caitlynnbby 0

My dad never tells me he loves me. Your not the only one. That's sad, though. :(

Oh, please. At least your dad actually talks to you...

I'm sorry. : ( I can relate a bit. My dad only tells me he loves me if I say it first, or if I do something for him. But it's not like our relationship has been great, so it doesn't phase me. Don't let it phase you. You have others who love you.

eric_p 0

it could be worse....he could beat you when hes drunk...or just spew vulgarity

=/ I'm sorry. I can understand, my dad never said I love you to me either, and sadly he died a year ago on the other side of the country. But he called that night, and oddly enough, he told me he loved me before he hung up. He died a half hour later. Hopefully, he'll learn how short life is and starting saying it. It is important.

aww FYL. but dont worry ur not alone...same thing here except my dad doesnt say anything whether hes drunk or not so FML too. :(

i asked my mom why she never tells me she loves me, and her answer was "i don't need to tell you i love you because you should know i do!" fml, aslo.