It's better than nothing, I suppose

By thatonekid - 06/05/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, my dad texted me, "I love u." I replied, "I love you too dad... are you drunk?" He answers back, "Of course I am..." My dad only tells me he loves me when he's drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 030
You deserved it 5 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shrtpixy 0

People usually tells the truth when intoxicated.......USUALLY! so don't take it hard.


The saddest part of this story is that your dad, who is likely a middle-aged man, types "you" as "u". No longer is it the era of only teenaged girls typing like retards.

I completely agree with #76. I think this is just a very sad story.

I understand why you're upset, but I think a father's love for their son/daughter is implied moreso than a mother's. I don't think you should take it to heart. I don't recall my father ever telling me he loved me. Deep down though, I know he does, just because of all the sacrifices he has made for me over the years.

That's not a bad thing, hun. You do know the effect of alcohol on the brain and how it acts on the part that controls shyness. That's why when people are drunk, they usually spill out how they really feel or things they couldn't have said. As they say, a drunk man's words are a sober man's thoughts. He just finds difficulty saying it to you when in everday life. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but atleast you know he loves you and that just because he can't say it to you when he isn't drunk, doesn't mean he doesn't love you, and it surely doesn't mean he's talking crap either just because he's drunk. As #76 said, you shouldn't knock him down like that. He's you pop, and we know how dads aren't all gushy, and "i love you" blabla. So be nice to him next time... :)

Perfection_7 0

Dang, you're guys' lives suck.... But am I the only one who saw the humor in this?

Who seriously chooses 'you deserve that one'. How does this person deserve that?

AntiChrist7 0

you probably don't give him much reasons to love you. YDI

moofin 0

How the **** is this worthy of YDI?

wh0regasm 0

wow that is just horrible D: