It's better than nothing, I suppose

By thatonekid - 06/05/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, my dad texted me, "I love u." I replied, "I love you too dad... are you drunk?" He answers back, "Of course I am..." My dad only tells me he loves me when he's drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 030
You deserved it 5 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shrtpixy 0

People usually tells the truth when intoxicated.......USUALLY! so don't take it hard.


Just as almost everyone else has said, what he said was likely the truth. You should ask why he does that (ie. maybe he doesn't know how to show his emotions towards you) to gain some insight into his life. Your dad drinks for a reason; and he may also be a disconnected or irresponsible dad to you, but there's a reason why and you should find out why. Good Luck (if you actually read this)

awww. well a drunk mind speaks a sober heart =] at least he says it, even if it is while under the influence.

omar_fml 0

i think he was just appalled by you asking him if he was drunk when he said "i love you" which would result in his text back, which looks sarchastic because of the dots. but then again he randomly texted "i love you" to you which is a bit sketchy

I'm sorry but I also agree with other posters a drunk man speaks a sober man's mind. My father is a chronic alcoholic and he has never said anything nice to me in my whole life. At least he is thinking of you sometimes.

You know... According to Freud(sp?), being intoxicated opens up your unconcious mind which holds "the real you". Your dad might not know how to say it when he is sober, but once he loosens up he can say anything he wants.

Yeah my mom says she loves be when only when i help out around the business.

annieannie 0

that's sad.... I'm truely sorry. I've seen my dad drunk only a few times, and I hate him when he's like that, but one thing a can say is he sure is honest when he's drunk..... So know that your dad does love you, he might just be a little to rough around the edges to say it when he's sober.

Some parents (usually guys) can't share their emotions with other people very well.

alyssamarie218 0

drunken words are sober thoughts!! and hey, its better than some things he could do when hes drunk...

ohhhhshizzz 0

#48: Are you stupid, or illiterate or both? And why would you care about #47's kid. #52: Stfu, just stop. If you don't care about a post, why comment? OP: That sucks, I'm so sorry. Druken words, are sober thoughts. My dad died when I was 2 so I never even got to say ily2 or anything. Just talk to him about it if it REALLLY bothers you, if not just remeber that he does love you and just doesn't know how to say it.