It's better than nothing, I suppose

By thatonekid - 06/05/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, my dad texted me, "I love u." I replied, "I love you too dad... are you drunk?" He answers back, "Of course I am..." My dad only tells me he loves me when he's drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 030
You deserved it 5 192

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shrtpixy 0

People usually tells the truth when intoxicated.......USUALLY! so don't take it hard.


j3ssissayinn 0

why would you say 'I love you too' if he's an asshole who only tell you he loves you when he's drunk? I wouldn't even talk to a father like that.

The_Cait 0

Ouch. If it makes you feel any dad has been drunk most of my life, and he hasn't told me he loves him in over a decade....I'm in my 20's....

The_Cait 0's still his/her father. The ones that we love tend to be the ones that can hurt us the most.

Hey ppl are more honest about their feelings when they are drunk. So that means your dad really loves you but when he is sober he may feel, for whatever reason, less inclined to express it. Be happy that he loves you and love him back even more so. ;)

The_Cait 0

Typo correction for my #25 post: *hasn't told me he loves ME in over a decade*

Aww, thats sad, but most people are honest when intoxicated, like stated above. So you know, he loves you.

I agree with the people saying that drunken words are sober thoughts. Guys are usually scared to say, "I love you," anyway... Actually, that's a bad stereotype. Maybe your Dad's just a little uncomfortable about saying it. Now that he's loosened up and gotten drunk, he'll be truthful about it!

Shaiath 0

Aww =c At least he isn't a violent drunk though. I know it can hurt more though having a relative who is a drunk like that. Hurts hearing 'I love you' from someone when they are hurting themselves with their problem.