It's Thursday!

By horriblefashionsense - 26/09/2013 15:20 - United States - Winter Garden

Today, I went in the diner I always pass by and ordered a sandwich. When I asked how much it was, the waitress replied, "Don't worry, honey. We give free meals to the homeless on Thursdays." I was too ashamed to deny it, so I just said thank you and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 617
You deserved it 6 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you got free food. I would gladly be insulted to get food.

150493x 29

I'd be too busy stuffing my face with the free food to be bothered about people thinking I was a homeless person.


Bad news: you smell like piss. Good news: Free sandwich!

Hey free dinner, maybe go home a groom a little?

Yeah, except those samples by mega-stores are meant to sell their products to the general public. This diner was trying to do a good deed by giving free meals to people who probably don't have an opportunity to eat well or often.

SmittyJA24 26

Consider your fashion statement = homeless. Time for a make-over?

repKyle95 24

I thought the term was "hobosexual". OP, -Zoidberg voice- "A feast is a feast."

That is crap unless your homeless you should feel ashamed of your self but if you have no food and struggling its understandable and in that case good luck and if not go back and pay!

Even though you may have looked homeless, you did get to see a little bit of the good in the world.

barbiekelly 6

But the waitress is way too rude

jayellef 3

Now you know free food on Thursdays. should probably dress better....

As embarrassing as the mistake is, I'd still take the free food.