
By lonely girl - 02/07/2013 06:47 - United States - Oregon City

Today, I got angry after not being able to have an orgasm. What was I angry at? My own hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 382
You deserved it 22 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

.... Find a man! It shouldn't be hard if you want sex.


perdix 29

You need to invest the time and effort to learn effective manual self-stimulation. That could really . . . *lowers sunglasses* come in handy.

Kn0wledge123 21

Did you just tell the almighty Perdix to get out? Shame! Shame! Shame! He might smite you, you better watch out.

perdix 29

#65, thanks, but redgreenblue is also an FML immortal, except here she is being like Daedalus pushing poor perdix from a tall tower because she's jealous that I spanked that "lowers sunglasses" pun so hard. I trust Athena and the thumb army to save me.

I have noticed you've lowered your sunglasses quite a bit lately, please, try not to get a sunburn!

perdix 29

#72, oh, that's just a coincidence. I just use the sunglasses when it "feels right" and it just so happened that it has felt right a few times in the past couple of days. I've gone for weeks without them and I don't need to go to any more LSGA* meetings. *Lowers Sun Glasses Anonymous

Haha I just imagine op yelling at himself "FASTER, FASTER GOD DAMIT!"

perdix 29

#17, hmmmm, gender dysphoria could be part of the problem.

Ouch... maybe invest in a toy and a boyfriend.... one is MUCH cheaper than the other. Choose wisely.

Yeah. The boyfriend is much cheaper. He increases your budget by buying you tons of stuff. Including the aforementioned toy(s).

RedPillSucks 31

Yeah, but she really wanted the Harry Potter wand.

I am so disappointed no one has commented, "I'll lend you a hand" yet.

perdix 29

It would probably work if you got your hand to take you to dinner and a movie first. Maybe some dancing and a few drinks. A girl wants to be romanced. If it gives you a beautiful ring, be suspicious of its motives.

It's been awhile, hasn't it? I suggest finding a handyman to fix your problem.

gary3768 13

I know somebody already said this and I agree with them. Most the time it's a mind thing

Kn0wledge123 21

Time for a bf or at least a toy. You could borrow the "wand" from the other FML.