Kids these days…

By Anonymous - 13/04/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, my two year-old cousin was having a temper tantrum. I decided to give him a flashlight because playing with it usually distracts him. It didn't. Instead, he hit me in the face with it as hard as possible, leaving a bruise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 067
You deserved it 24 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

um,kid hits you hard enough to leave a bruise = spanking.


yourafuckup 0

you should not treat him like retard by giving him a flashlight to distract him

Uconnrunner 0

Exactly why I am never having kids.

iEnjoy3_14 0

#32...agreed. plus the public humiliation when they have outbursts over stupid shit. op: sucks for you. next time, give him a pillow.

SpammityCalamity 0

This was a pretty damn retarded FML. Oh, big deal. You gave a kid a flashlight and he hit you in the face.

Common_Sense 0

Ok, this is not a FML... not even close......

what a bitch. i would've at least punched him in the face for that.

I'm going to say that you deserve it for attempting to appease a child throwing a tantrum instead of ignoring him or punishing him as would be more appropriate. Seriously, people, temper tantrums are NOT acceptable behavior and you should NOT reward it! #27: I love the Lion King reference. :-D

^ ^ LOL... ridiculous fml... #26 2 years old cant speak? of course they can... agreed with #37. dont reward those screaming bastards...