Le epic bacon

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, for my birthday, instead of a cake, my friends surprised me with a castle mainly made out of bacon. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I fucking hate bacon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 256
You deserved it 50 714

Top comments

Bacon strips, and bacon strips, and bacon strips... Next generation bacon flip! You can thank epic mealtime for your castle of delicious bacon.!

I would eat rocks if it were wrapped in bacon.


ArielTheMermaid 17
cem0625 0

You need your head chefirst. What kinda person hates Bacon??!!? I hope you get them every year for the rest of your life!! Bacon hater!!>=(

Maht_fml 0

You're a piece of shit. How the **** can you hate bacon? I bet you support abortion and gay marriage, too. Go back to Brazil; you're not American.

This is no FML. A cake costs about $10-20. The amount of bacon used to make a cake sized castle would cost alot more, and require more skill and energy. Plus who the **** hates bacon? Thats like hating having orgasms. Its just not natural.

How can you possibly hate BACON!!! It's my joy in life

that is the greatest gift ever! you must be f*cked in the head to hate bacon.

How in the sweet hell do you hate bacon?!

Petunia888 13

Your bio says you're sweet...you lied.