Le epic bacon

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, for my birthday, instead of a cake, my friends surprised me with a castle mainly made out of bacon. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I fucking hate bacon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 256
You deserved it 50 714

Top comments

Bacon strips, and bacon strips, and bacon strips... Next generation bacon flip! You can thank epic mealtime for your castle of delicious bacon.!

I would eat rocks if it were wrapped in bacon.


Well, I made an account just because I found that people are being too disrespectful just because OP doesn't like bacon. I know I will get loads of thumbs down, but I have to somewhat agree with OP. I don't like bacon either.

bacon is only good when you eat a few pieces at a time. after that It's just fattening and disgusting.... but i lol'd at their idea

linnie_wesker 20

Wtf is so great about bacon? Seriously I don't care how many thumbs down I get, you're all retarded. I bet half of you don't even like bacon that much, you're just acting like that because everyone else is all like OMG I LOVE BACON!!!!one!!!11!

tweetbaby14 18

The whole !!!!111!one!1!1 thing will not make people take you more seriously.

limpy44 5
ash1rose 11

FYL OP. While I am a bacon lover, not liking it doesn't make you insane or unpatriotic and people are morons for suggesting that. It's a shame your friends didn't know you well enough to realize that wouldn't be a gift you'd enjoy.

BlahhhItsBri 6

Dude. I would KILL for a castle made of bacon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bakesale45 0
djames7826 1