Le epic bacon

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, for my birthday, instead of a cake, my friends surprised me with a castle mainly made out of bacon. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I fucking hate bacon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 256
You deserved it 50 714

Top comments

Bacon strips, and bacon strips, and bacon strips... Next generation bacon flip! You can thank epic mealtime for your castle of delicious bacon.!

I would eat rocks if it were wrapped in bacon.


canddyass 0

I don't think it sounds ungrateful.

Well obviously someone thinks you like bacon! Did you eat any of it.

WHO THE **** HATED BACON?! YDI. -.- weirdo.

jceb14 0

How could somebody hate bacon... I made an account on here because I like bacon and I do not see how you could not like it unless for a religious reason

punkin_26 16

Your love for bacon obviously knows no bounds! You created an account just so you could express your love for this amazing food. To that I say welcome and thumbs up!

GTFO This SITE NOW!!!!! SHUN THE NONE BELIEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jk. but WTH man a cake out of bacon.....brings tears to my eyes...... The beauty of it...

Petunia888 13

Because he doesn't like bacon? Wtf?!

BLASPHEMY!!!!! Your life license is now revoked.

punkin_26 16

NO! That is an awesome gift! The fact that OP doesn't like Bacon sucks but that doesn't mean that gift isn't the best idea ever. I plan to do that for my boyfriends birthday. Then I will proceed to eat half of it ;)

captinsmith0225 6

same here OP bacon is for disgusting fat Europeans