Le epic bacon

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, for my birthday, instead of a cake, my friends surprised me with a castle mainly made out of bacon. I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I fucking hate bacon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 258
You deserved it 50 715

Top comments

Bacon strips, and bacon strips, and bacon strips... Next generation bacon flip! You can thank epic mealtime for your castle of delicious bacon.!

I would eat rocks if it were wrapped in bacon.


Who the hell hates bacon???? Wth is wrong with you? YDI

It would appear that I'm mental or something, because, well.... EW BACON =/

I'm so glad I'm not the only person in america who doesn't like to eat foods that make you fat.

varkey 7

@331: Foods don't make you fat, the quantity of food you eats does. I eat two bacon strips a day and I am underweight (not on purpose, I'm trying to gain a little weight) and have low LDL cholesterol because I exercise and I eat a normal amount of foods. I see people eating "healthy foods" all the time but they have 5 times as much as what I could eat if I forced myself to stuff myself. That's why they are fat. @OP: **** you. Give the delicious bacon to your friends then. YDI for being ungrateful, not for hating bacon, although I won't lie, that part is surprising to me (humans are predisposed to like the flavors of fat and salt).

punkin_26 16

331-Do you have any idea what you sound like? I'd like to smack you with a pound of Bacon just for being you.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I need a picture. I want one for my birthday. I'm not a huge cake fan. I like cake. Love bacon!

Unless you are a vegetarian, I suggest you start running. NOW!

johnnythan 2

YDI for hating on bacon >:C

Guido25897 4

0_0??!!! U hate bacon?!.... I need to go rethink my life. Who could hate such a beautiful thing....?