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Leave me alone

By Quortney - 22/07/2015 04:20 - United States

Today, I was working at the local grocery store and a customer of mine, who had only bought two granola bars and was holding up my line, tried to convert me to Christianity. Out of all the people to target, she chose the shy atheist who just wanted to do her minimum wage job in peace. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 643
You deserved it 3 074

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have, it's fine to be proud of it, but please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around.

People who force their faith on others really suck


Part of being religious is about spreading your religion with others. Not forcing or yelling or criticizing, but quietly convincing someone.

No. No it isn't. Please leave other people alone if they don't voluntarily walk into your place of worship willingly.

I had Jehovah witnesses, Christians, Catholics, and Mormons try to convert me. I have never had Satanists, Pagans, or Muslims try to convert me. Being Religious doesn't give you a right to try and shove your beliefs down my throat.

Why be atheist when you can be a pastafarian?

I'm a faithful Christian but this is not okay at all you don't get to force your faith on someone else that's not your job they have to decide themselves.

I would've been like, "next in line please."

I am an atheist too. I have been in my dentist's chair listening to the hygienist tell me that forgiveness and everlasting life is mine for the asking. Etc, etc. Do these people think that their lecture is going to change a mind? I am not going to change my mind, just like a religious person isn't going to become atheist just because I present it as an option. But I do admit that #55 does have a point, and I may just renounce my faith for pasta and worship the flying spaghetti monster. I bow to his noodly appendages.

I tell them that I pray to the mighty Cthulhu and eat babies. It usually makes them shut up and leave me alone.

My friend, at a non-religious school, was asked by her counsellor if he could 'pray' for her in the session. That made me SO angry. He is meant to be a professional - she isn't christian, she had mental health issues and needed help, not this.

I've been through the experience of someone trying to convert me on multiple occasions and it is very uncomfortable, especially since I am 15 and people think it's ok.

to all the people who get mad that Christians try to share our faith, why, its what our religion says, we are told and taught to share our faith with others, so we do, a person I know has been trying to convert his family to Christianity for like 30 years now I think, but he still tries, its what we are told to do, so please understand that we try to do what we think is right, if we were trying to get someone off drugs, would you get mad? no, u would see it right to do, and we see this right to do, thanks, have a great day.

I am Wiccan. You don't see me trying to convert people. I don't believe in your God, so stop trying to shove in down my throat.

I know it is taught but I do think there is a time and a place and a way to do it. You have to be open to what other people say too i think and if you come across as 'I'm right, you are wrong' or as pushing it, (basically if someone doesn't want to talk about it, don't force it) then you might push people away rather than letting them come to you and just saying 'I'm here if you want to talk'.

#66 here's a bible verse: And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith. Matthew 13:58 This verse explains that Jesus didn't perform miracles, because those people had little faith. This would explain why so many people point the finger at Christian's telling us that we can't prove God or Jesus or hell exists. Without faith, Jesus isn't going to show them anything. They choose not to believe. Jesus does miracles in my life everyday, but no one wants to hear my testimony because, "religion is like a penis. It should be kept private. You shouldn't whip it out." Well, they can't have their cake and eat it too. They can't expect us to prove Jesus exists when they tell us to shut up about it. And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who BELIEVE. 1Thessalonians 2:13

@ #107: That's a false equivalence if I ever did see one. There is a difference between having a academic discussion with a person about the evidence of the existence or non existence of god, and going up to random strangers and trying to force your religion on them. By the way, it's not really a matter of CHOOSING not to believe in god, as if it's some kind of willful denial of the truth. For atheists, there just hasn't been enough evidence presented to warrant belief in a god.

I have a feeling you people would lose your shit if a satanist tried to convert you. I'm a pretty easy going person, I didn't mind explaining to a Christian that no, wiccans don't worship the devil, but I do have a problem with people trying to tell me my beliefs are wrong and that their beliefs are th only right ones. If you want to discuss Christianity, that's fine with me. I do it all the time with my mothers boyfriend because he is understanding and openminded. People like you *****, however, make me hate Christians. If your bible told you to sacrifice a child, would that make it right? No! Give them an option if they are interested, but their beliefs are their own.

That's when you smile and nod and agree that you also consider *deity* your lord and savior.

When they ask just say Christian...usually that works...unless they are Islamic...

xluciferx666 21

It's ok OP I'll always have your back