Leave people alone

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Mozambique

Today, I went up to a girl at a bus stop and started chatting her up. Her response? "Am I being robbed?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 226
You deserved it 7 445

Top comments

what we have here, is failure, to communicate.


zelinaaa 0

I agree...cute;) just say'n...

chelle_starlight 0

knights of cydonia + MUSE = priceless :D

OP: lol I can't believe it got through :D To the rest of the world: but!! lol this guy looks normal as heck. like he's hot an' everythin' (ofc, maybe I'm jus' saying that coz he's my friend :P) and we knew the girl, like we saw her around the 'hood and stuff D:< then she went all bitch on him.

CraZyJaVieR 0

who's looks am I insulting? I'm not the only one that thinks this guy does not look like JB...

The comment before mine was erased and mine was referring to it. Calm down guys, it was just a failed joke :P

that's when u know your in a bad neighborhood haha

awmy 2

lmao r u sure u were doing it right?