Leave people alone

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Mozambique

Today, I went up to a girl at a bus stop and started chatting her up. Her response? "Am I being robbed?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 226
You deserved it 7 445

Top comments

what we have here, is failure, to communicate.


noobgang7 5

I hate when comments get modded, I really like to know what they say

Today, I got robbed by the only person that actually wanted to have a conversation with me. FML

GeneralMotors 23

that is the coolest response ever. what did u say back?

også liker jeg å snakke norsk! men jeg er fra USA og jeg snakker engelsk... er du fra Haugesund? Jeg vil gå til Norge. Dere skal skrive på engelsk fordi de snakker ikke norsk.

bigbenz_fml 2

Should've said "Yes you are getting tobbed, robbed of your plans tonight your hanging out with me sexay" ;)

MisterMancha 0

Generally, opening with "stick 'em up and fork over some cash." isn't the best way to start a conversation. But you could have improvised and said, "That's funny, I was about to ask you the say question!" and then transition into how both of you could become master criminals and discuss how you'll pull off great heists and talk about costumes. :) that would work :D better luck next time OP.