Liar, liar

By skanula414 - 31/12/2014 19:00 - Sweden - Malm?

Today, I found out my 7-year-old daughter really did lie about my husband's "other girlfriend" as revenge for being grounded, and that he never cheated on me at all. We're well into our divorce proceedings and he won't forgive me for not believing him when he denied it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 433
You deserved it 49 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Guess if she is like this at 7, I wonder what she's going to be like at 14

1PersonIsMyWorld 22


you're the bitch here... not "**** your life" **** his life... sorry OP but you deserved this

YDI. Without trust, a relationship is nothing.

kittycat2007 18

I don't know if I could forgive for that. Would really have to check deep within myself, because if I couldnt forgive then perhaps another family member rasing the child might be better overall. if you only see pain and anger whenever you see your child, then your home is no longer suitable for that child. I highly recommend therapy for both of you. otherwise she may very well end up being ****** up as an adult over this.

finduilas_fml 3

Op, you.did overreact. But so does your husband as well as These guys here who blame you for trusting your child. I mean..if a kid says that.a husband is touching it... His mother mustnt think of it as a liar. Even if the husband.denies. Like someone said...WHO cheats or worse...has no problem to li

finduilas_fml 3

*lie. Ofc u investigate!!! But you and your husband had other issues. Either he gave you a reason for this distrust..or you are really weird for wanting a divorce without any evidence. However...ur child did wrong...but u two are grown ups.. If you cant handle and communicate this...something isnt a

finduilas_fml 3

And wasnt right. Not her fault. Btw..if your husband doesnt want you back for divorcing him without any evidence..fair enough. If he divorces you for believing Your own child...then you both suck hard. You two behave more immature than ur girl.

How is her husband over reacting by refusing to forgive her for leaving him for no reason? She falsely accused him of being all the worst things a husband could be, then put him through a divorce and all the heart ache that comes with it, and he should just forget all that? He should just go back to someone he knows has no faith or trust in him? Who's to say that she won't put him through it again for some other BS reason? I wouldn't forgive her. If a man did that to you, I'm betting you wouldn't take him back either. And the kid never said the father was touching IT, either.

finduilas_fml 3

you are not seven, pease read carefully :) I said, it is fair enough if he doesnt forgive her in case she wanted a divorce but found no evidence at all. how ever..maybe ..and we dont know..he did behave ver suspicious..being often with a female coworker on bussiness trips etc..or whatever... in that case... the OP still did wrong...but in such circumstances it is human to make a mistake. an din this case he overreacts..because he should try to understand her mistakes and try to forgive. And ofc she didnt say he touched her...but according to some of your guys' logic.. she should trust her husband over her child by default. and this is wrong and dangerous. and according to fo i..e immanuel kant.. if you want to find ut if a rule is right (in this case "never trust your child over your husband" as some ppl said) must apply it to other cases and see if it works. It its wrong!!!! OP made a mistake if she didnt investigate and took ONLY the word of he child... her mistake wasn't that she believed the child in the first place. It's how she handles the situation.

I wish I could post the Marlon Meme. (Nemo's dad) "It's like you're trying to speak to me, I know it."

finduilas_fml 3

No, shaby, i don't try to speak to you. When you grow up and reach the intellect.of a 7 yrs old..i will try ..maybe..

Randirae01 2

Give that spawn of Satan to the nearest orphanage asap...

finduilas_fml 3

Sry ..i wantedto replay to the "my husband said" lady.

hannakin 16

Please don't listen to everyone calling you names and saying you should've believed your husband. Normally kids should be listened to first and cheating is common these days. Try not to be to hard on yourself and I hope your daughter faces some consequences for that.

You believed a 7 year old brat over the man you loved enough to marry!? YDI and he deserves better.

finduilas_fml 3

Maybe yiu wouldnt believe your own flesh and blood..for you yourself might be a liar. It's terrific that ppl blame op for trusting the own child. The only mistake would be to divorce him without any evidence. We don't kniw tho.

katina1236 20

The child lied because she was getting revenge. The mother believed her yes because she didn't expect her to outright lie. The child is as much to blame as the parents if not more. The mother probably filed for divorce to make it easier on their child and herself. I don't blame him for not going back to her because it's just not worth it.

Everyone's a liar, that doesn't mean you believe a first grader over the person you married

of course its the woman that jumps to conclusions

Vesi 29

I told my mother around 7 my father was a pedo (he is) and another little girl around that age accused her mother's new husband he was a pedo (he was) and there was proof of both instances later on. Honestly? This is a difficult situation. You cannot just trust/distrust a child, but you *should* look further into accusations, first. I think FYL (and his) rather than YDI. And that child needs some serious counselling.