Lonely, so lonely…

By JustAnotherFML23 - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Seattle

Today, my loneliness reached a new level when I befriended the fly in my apartment, Mr. Stickyfoot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 761
You deserved it 7 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments


AnOriginalName 19

Bubble Buddy is my favorite friend.

Pwn17 25

Sorry to hear about your loneliness OP. You sound creative though. That's a quality that could help you meet someone. Hope you feel happier soon!

You should get a pet. A dog or a cat or even an iguana, something to take care of. Then you won't feel so lonely.

And you know, it's only gonna get worse in a day when he's dead.

I feel bad telling you your friend has only got a lifespan of half a day - to a week, tops. Wait a minute, no I don't. :D

Ill be ya friend, everyone should have at lest one mate

you do know that there are shelters full of actual pets, right?

My brother used to befriend flies, every fly he had in his room as a child was called "Joe". My brother is a weirdo though...

Every spider in my room is called Alistair....the fly is called Marty.

150493x 29

Do something you enjoy outside and maybe you'll meet new people who enjoy the same things as you do :)

Omg do something! go out! hire a gigalo or party cuz the company of others is preferable to loneliness.