Lonely, so lonely…

By JustAnotherFML23 - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Seattle

Today, my loneliness reached a new level when I befriended the fly in my apartment, Mr. Stickyfoot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 761
You deserved it 7 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Ah yes Mr. Stickyfoot!! Thank you for letting this one be published! Made my day.

notsofriendly 17

This is kind of cute and really sad at the same time.

This is really terrible, maybe a dog or a cat next time OP?

beanthemouse 13

This reminds me of when I was in grade 7. I had no friends and always sat alone in class. I was happy when a fly landed on me. Anyways, one day the fly was on the desk and some scumbag boy wacked it (and hit it would you believe?) and stuck the half dead body in MY electric pencil sharpener, and using MY pencil, stuck it in and grinded the poor fly up. Gosh I hated grade 7 :(

martin8337 35

All of my flies are named Marty.

I befriended a pigeon, I named her Louise..

ulissey_fml 22

You've no idea. Mine is a **** roach that slowly crosses the living room at about 3am every night. It's gotten used to me.

JoseIsAdork 31

awww , at least the fly has a cute name. I used to have a spider who would just kick back and hang with me while I was on the computer, he just relaxed in the corner, his name was Ernesto, one day he just disappeared though :/ I'll never know where he went to

Infinity1337 11

*you've got a friend in me* sings toy story tune