Lonely, so lonely…

By JustAnotherFML23 - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Seattle

Today, my loneliness reached a new level when I befriended the fly in my apartment, Mr. Stickyfoot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 761
You deserved it 7 227

Same thing different taste

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sproutlet 5

I did the same to a spider in my house. He lived in the bathroom and I called him Harry. He never seemed to move when I was in the room, sometimes he'd dissapear for a few days only to re-appear in the exact same place. I grew quite fond of him. Then he left for good and i missed him for a week or so lol.

I did that once... But then he fell in the toilet

well if it makes you feel like you have company...I have 3 flying friends: bizzbizz (a wasp that live in my window), Mrs.Longnail (a 1000 legger that live in my old hamsters cage), and stank....a drink bug...(also Mrs.lingnail is in a hanging cage so that's why she is flying)

MistressAfrodite 5

I befriend moths, praying mantis, spiders, and stink bugs lol. it’s all good.