Lonely, so lonely…

By JustAnotherFML23 - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Seattle

Today, my loneliness reached a new level when I befriended the fly in my apartment, Mr. Stickyfoot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 761
You deserved it 7 227

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Poor Mr. Stickyfoot - an innocent casualty of your boredom..

jw90 18

Better than my fish, Mr. Grumpy Gills. He swims around his taking flaring his fins at me. I think he hates me.

jw90 18

Gah, auto correct strikes again. Tank*

I would hate you too if you named me Mr. Grumpy Gills! I kid, I kid. That name is quite pimp.

fmlnjd2013 15

Go outside Jack. There are still people there if you look!!

It is called a dog... They are 4 legged animals that will love u to pieces.... My dog is a lab/boarder collie mix.... Smart/sweet/always ready to sit in your lap and let you pet him.... I promise if u get one you will not be lonely. Also a good dog will help with your appeal to the opposite sex!!!!!! They r GREAT conversation starters...

A fly fits better in an apartment than a dog.

Beepbeep7 14

Is there a reason you named him that? Like maybe your new "friend" is hanging off some flypaper?

Have fun with him before he passes away! Or gets killed in your soup...

Get a pet or a roommate...well you can find Mr. Stickyfoot #23 (if I miscounted I apologize)...

kitkatmiaow 21

I love me stickyfoot!! I used to name flies... They were all Fred. ... Unless they were the baby ones , then they were Elizabeth