Many such cases

By Idiot says "HIPAA violation" - 27/06/2015 01:21 - United States - Roanoke

Today, another idiot was admitted to my hospital with a foreign object up his ass. Yet again, the excuse went along the lines of "I tripped and fell on it." Please, someone tell me how you can accidentally trip anus-first onto the end of a cucumber, which just so happens to have a condom on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 337
You deserved it 2 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think lying about it is way worse than owning up to it. It just makes you look stupider than you already look.


One of my nursing friends from uni works in ED... He had a lady come in not long ago with 5 ****** - 3 in the front, 2 in the back. One other guy had a can of mortein (bug spray) stuck that went in lid first... When the can came out the lid stayed ?

The lady needs to buy bigger ****** if the ones she has don't fill her up. The guy? There is no advice that will help him...

I think they have taken "getting your 5 a day" but to far

oh got gods sake you're a doctor not a psychic just be glad that you're in business :-)

It was a million to one shot, Doc. A million to one.

Happens a lot more often than people think.

AirBusDriver 23

I had to fill in for my boss one time because he had called in saying he "tripped and fell on his sons Lightsaber". Of course we all cringed appropriately at his misfortune however after reading this FML I am doubting his story about how the toy became stuck inside his rectum... FML for the thought.

All I can say is I feel bad for you an practice makes perfect apparently