Many such cases

By Idiot says "HIPAA violation" - 27/06/2015 01:21 - United States - Roanoke

Today, another idiot was admitted to my hospital with a foreign object up his ass. Yet again, the excuse went along the lines of "I tripped and fell on it." Please, someone tell me how you can accidentally trip anus-first onto the end of a cucumber, which just so happens to have a condom on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 337
You deserved it 2 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think lying about it is way worse than owning up to it. It just makes you look stupider than you already look.


Well when a man and a cucumber love each other very much, the get urges, then 9 months later a pickle is born... Or that's the story I was told

@75: The AC was broken so they wanted to chill out. Plus it keeps the cucumber fresh. Either way this was definitely a royal pain in the ass.

Must've been HowToBasic. I'd probably believe him.

Ouch… even saying that a roommate stuck it up there whilst you struggled against your will is better than that lame excuse!

Except that will get the roommate in trouble for rape. Just own up to it, I'm sure the doctors have seem worse.

ViviMage 38

Paging DocBastard. Please take another X-Ray!

tomjay007 19

Haha I surgery dept. we see something like this once in a while same reason

wheelchairchick 11

Did you have to get it out? If you didn't not sure how this is a FML for you.

... It's a white lie to help them deal with the embarrassment of what actually happened, in spite of how obvious it is. It takes courage to actually go get help for something like that, no need to crap on them for it.

Um excuse me but ah isn't there a patient to doctor privacy law? Like wtf OP.

only if they give personal details, since no names or adresses were written in the fml it's perfectly fine. If it wrote "today, a guy named John Doe came in to my hospital with a cucumber up his anus, he claimed he'd fallen over and landed on it, fml" then it would be in violation.

He didn't use the patients name or other personal info so OP isn't violating any laws.