Many such cases

By Idiot says "HIPAA violation" - 27/06/2015 01:21 - United States - Roanoke

Today, another idiot was admitted to my hospital with a foreign object up his ass. Yet again, the excuse went along the lines of "I tripped and fell on it." Please, someone tell me how you can accidentally trip anus-first onto the end of a cucumber, which just so happens to have a condom on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 337
You deserved it 2 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think lying about it is way worse than owning up to it. It just makes you look stupider than you already look.


allyiscute1 22

Wow what do you even say to someone that comes in with something up their ass?.-.

It's actually far more common than you think, especially when people don't know you're meant to use specific anal toys with a flared base. So, you ask them what the object is, how long it's been there, if they're in any pain/discomfort and then get to the medical stuff.

"OK, let's see about getting it out."

How about: "Bend over Mister, this will hurt a lot..."?

Oh my god I can't breathe this is too hilarious

O can't speak to how one trips at such an angle, but everyone knows condoms keep phallic vegtables fresh. that's like straight up Martha Stewart stuff. Anyone wanna come over to my place for some salad?

myeviltwin 20

Hey cucumbers can be some pretty sneaky bastards :P

People tend to forget that doctors and medical staff have SEEN SOME SHIT. They've seen everything from rashes in embarrassing places to gory car accidents. Getting help for your sexual experimentation gone wrong is no big deal until you try to make the "I fell on it" excuse. That's what really makes you look like an idiot.

"Not that there's anything wrong with that!"

And I thought being "gay" was a badge of honor these days, so to try and hide it????

#104, a male's prostate is in their anus and it can be compared to a ********. Just because a man enjoys this stimulation doesn't make him gay, what makes a guy gay is sexual attraction to another male.

idxntgiveafxck 17
nitrog100 21

These stories always remind me of this of episode of Scrubs. There was a montage of people saying, "I fell on it.", when asked how things got up their butt, and then the last guy just says, "I was bored."

Well maybe he had to know the pain before he puts a girl through it